Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7th Payout From Today dot com

October has been a slow month for me in terms of online earning. I guess I can't earn much from blogging, unless I have a PR2 blog at the very least.

Anyway, here's the payout proof of my payout from Today dot com. They have recently changed their payout rates. They used to pay $2 per 1000 unique visits, then down to $1 per 2000 visits, and now, I think they're only charging about $0.50 per 2000 visits. Sad, actually. I hate the fact that they change policies before informing their bloggers. Payout is still at $50, so I hope they won't change that.

$205.06 October payout for Hot Celebs

I'm hoping to reach $100 this month. Keeping my fingers crossed. Have a productive week!


  1. ..but :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ is great enough :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ te debbs! gratseeeeeeeeeee for your :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$

  2. Thanks GG! :):)

  3. TAHNIAH power tu...

  4. Terima kasih, Denai Hati! :)


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