Friday, July 30, 2010

3rd Payout from Churp Churp

I'm still waiting for my 2nd cheque from ChurpChurp and I've made my 3rd payout recently. I haven't even cashed out my first cheque, so I'll have more money soon! :) Check out the snapshot of my cash out history on ChurpChurp. Join me on ChurpChurp now and stand a chance to win RM3000!


  1. wowww!! congratulations Debbs!! :D :D I haven't made my first payout yet and from my calculations, it would take another 120-150 Churp Churps to reach payout. I've had almost 40 Churps tweeted and only reached RM25. hahahaah.. so it's gonna be a loooong way for me!

    But I'm so happy for you, though! Congratulations! :D

  2. Hey Shem! Thanks to my # of followers, I guess. Hope you'll get your 1st payment soon! :) Kaching!

  3. Impressive! you earn more. now have earning again?


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