Friday, February 12, 2010

Jan & Feb Payout from SponsoredReviews

Hey everyone! Just some earnings update from SponsoredReviews. I love the program, although they're now paying only 50% of the amount they're charging their advertisers. For example, if you bid on a $20 review, you will only receive $10.

They made an error when sending my payout last month, and they actually rectified it before I complained and sent me the rest of my payout. They're simply awesome!

Join me at SponsoredReviews and have fun earning!

First commenter gets kaching love!



  1. Wow Debbs!! Congrats on your payout! At least you still get PBs from SR!

  2. Yihaa for SR!!! congrats Debbs!

  3. Shem, thank you! ;)

    Thanks LJ! :):)

  4. Hey Debbs! :) I think I only got paid by SR once, and now I haven't been able to get opps there, I really should update my blog stats like you said.. :D

  5. I hope I get more opps from SR this month! :D

  6. Hey Ane! :) You really should update! I sometimes get offers from SR for CH even without bidding. :) And CH is only PR2. LATM has a PR, right and so is ANE. Sorry, I haven't been updating myself with everyone's PR...hehe

  7. Woo hoo money money money! Time to phatten your wallet Debbs, here's to more Pbs! :)

  8. Hey Marzie! Kaching kaching! :) Thanks for dropping by! :)


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