Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Got Paid By Blogsvertise

I am so happy that Blogsvertise paid me for the second time. I received $10 for a post that I wrote about a month ago. You can read it here. Here's the payout proof for the transaction. 

Click to view large.

Join me on Blogsvertise now. :)


  1. Hi, this is jenaisle. why don't youjoin enrecard to increase your traffic? Here's my link:

    I'm interested in blogvertise, I will be your referral eventually.

    All the best.

  2. Hi Jena! :) Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

    I am registered with Entrecard.

    I hope you'll join me on Blogsvertise. There are a few more paid post programs if you're interested. :)

    I'll go and visit your blog now.

  3. Good job dear! Dopping by for a quick hello before I get back to my contest he he!! :):):)

  4. Hola Marzie! Wah, sampai got typo ye because nak rush to Emila's blog to compete with Jean. :):) Thanks dearie and good luck!

  5. Oh ha ha ha ha...he he..yeah la, was rushing like mad when I saw Dookie leaving me far behind. Woke up, quickly checked Emila's blog and panicked ha ha ha! :):):)

  6. But you won, right? I haven't made my rounds today la. :):)

  7. I lost my PR because of them, and now my PR never get back but remains 0, since then, they abandoned me, not assigning me any tasks anymore.

  8. Apple, I lost my PR to zero at PhatRamblings too but I don't know which program caused it. I'm guessing maybe PPP. I still get offers from Blogsvertise, though.


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