Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September Earnings Summary

Hey peeps! Sorry for the lack of updates. My Internet connection has been really slow for the past 2 weeks. Here's a summary of some earnings I received earlier this month. You can also view my Paypal screen shots for each paying program.

Payout from Blogsvertise ($9.00) & PayPerPost ($0.50)

Payout from BlogToProfit ($20.50) & BuyBlogReviews ($3.50)

Payout from LinkWorth ($50.00) & ReviewMe ($20.00)

Total for September, so far = $103.50

If you have blogs with PR3, you can easily earn from these programs. I would recommend them all, except for BuyBlogReviews, which pays very little even for blogs with high PR.

Happy earning!

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