Yay! I love the beginning of the month because that's when I get paid! PayPerPost has been around for so long. I just joined them last year, and starting this year, PayPerPost has allowed text link opportunities and lower pay per opp.
If you haven't joined PayPerPost, here's the form for you to sign up. If you have a blog with PR3 and above, you'll have better chances of earning higher valued opps at PayPerPost. All my PayPerPost opps are on my personal blog, though, and it has zero PR.
If you haven't joined PayPerPost, here's the form for you to sign up. If you have a blog with PR3 and above, you'll have better chances of earning higher valued opps at PayPerPost. All my PayPerPost opps are on my personal blog, though, and it has zero PR.
I was lucky enough to get a few opps earlier this year. Here are my payment proof from PayPerPost. I wrote 5 posts, and altogether they're worth $10.50. Be sure to click on each image to view large!

First commenter gets kaching love!
Shemah - My Sweet Escape

ReplyDeleteOKB!! :-$
ReplyDelete:'( :'(
ReplyDeletewow debbs!!! Lots of :-$ :-$ :-$ for you!! :) :) I'm so happy for you!! 3P has been great to me too.. although now I've chosen to part ways but great on you debbs!! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteYay! I can get more opps at better rates! :-P thanks Mr. G! :-D
ReplyDeleteIsn't this a double ** post Debbs? *DONT_KNOW* hehe :-P :-P ;)
ReplyDeletecongrats Shem! :-D :*
ReplyDeletehey ane!! *hugsy* :) :)
ReplyDeleteLol Shem! Congrats! First commenter ever at PW yay! :* :* :*
ReplyDeleteWhy'd you say buh-bye to 3P Shem? *DONT_KNOW*
ReplyDeleteAla Shem, manada bnyk but a lil from here and there, enough la for me to buy my craft supplies! ;) :-$ :-$ :-$
ReplyDeleteI agree with Shemah, on being happy for you! :-D :*
ReplyDeleteWhat's OKB? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
ReplyDeleteOKB OKB OKB! :-$ :-$ :-$
ReplyDeleteAne! I am happy for you, Ane! Better stalk PPP more yeah? :):):)
ReplyDeleteLol Ane! This isn't a double post, but I do have a few more posts here later. You gotta stalk PW tonight yeah? :-$ :-$ :-$
ReplyDeleteWhich link here pulak Shem? 8-) 8-) 8-)
ReplyDeletei said buh-bye because it was the choice i had to make between 3P and Payu. :( And it's true that in the long run, payu has been better and serves me well. You can't have both on your blogs. :(
ReplyDeleteYAYYY!!! First ever FC requires me to do the RUNNING MAN!! go shemah.. go shemah!! LOL!
ReplyDeleteyaa.. sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit kan debbs!! Yayy.. so are we gonna see more of your crafts soon?? :* :*
ReplyDeleteOKB stands for Orang Kaya Baru.. when translated is NEW RICH PERSON! is that right, debbs?
ReplyDeleteOKB is Orang Kaya Baru, if translated directly means New Rich Person! Lol!!
ReplyDeleteyeah ane!! 3P is really generous for PR3 members!! you could get serious cash, i'm telling you! :)
ReplyDeletewoww!! more posts?? more :-$ :-$ :-$ for you, debbs?
ReplyDeleteOh thank you, Ane! More kaching for all of us yay! Amen! :-$ :-$ :-$
ReplyDeleteYuppers, more :-$ :-$ :-$ indeedo! ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's right, Shem! ;)
ReplyDeleteGo Shemah go! Lol @ running man! Shuffle Shem! =-O =-O =-O
ReplyDeleteI have some projects in mind, Shem. But right now I need to shop for more supplies, for my store and my collection, of course. :-$ :-$ :-$
ReplyDeleteI oso want PR3, but zero pun zero lah, for now! ;)
ReplyDeletereally how come? *DONT_KNOW* maybe that's why I haven't been approved on payu... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
ReplyDeleteAmen to kaching kaching! :-P :-$ :-$
ReplyDeletelol! the running man Shem? *DONT_KNOW* lol! :-D :-D
ReplyDeleteOKB OKB then! :-D
ReplyDeleteYay to serious cash! :-D :-D :-$ :-$
ReplyDeleteOh, I intend to stay up the whole night! :-D :-D
ReplyDeleteit's about the tracking codes that you have to install.. it's not good for other advertising companies it seems. Something like that.
ReplyDeletewowww!! Bestnya.. OMG! I saw on oprah hari tu pasal decluttering.. anyways, lepas the makeover, that guy design her craft area debbs!! Itu baru namanya jelesi!!! omg!! punya nice!!
ReplyDeletehahahaha if i get another chop.. i'll have another dance ready! LOL! and it won't be the shuffle! LOL!
ReplyDelete=-O =-O =-O
ReplyDeleteStay up all night tonight Ane? Really? ;)
ReplyDeleteBest nya if got my own craft area! @.@ I'd sleep in my craft room for sure lol!
ReplyDeleteLol @ shuffling! Hehehe
ReplyDeleteGagay! :):):)
ReplyDeleteYes Debbs, to make up for not being online today.. :-D okay, maybe until 3
ReplyDeletea.m. lol! :P
Ane, I heard you had flu? i hope you're okay now. Hugsy! :):)
ReplyDeleteYes, Debbs, I still have colds, but my body aches are gone... :-D Thanks
ReplyDeleteDebbs! :) :*
Oh I can't afford to be sick. Hopefully I won't be sick this year. *fingers crossed*
ReplyDeleteHahahah iya debbs!! her craft area macam kedai punya craft area!
Yalah kan debbs!! later who knows we'll be from zero to hero also kan??
Can I have MSE please? :-) :-) Sayaaang MSE! :-)
Hahahahaha shuffle!! I hate the shuffle dance!! LOL!